Home | Meet Dr. Smith
He graduated Summa Cum Laude at the University of Missouri-School of Medicine after receiving a B.A. in Education and Exercise Science from the University of Kentucky. He is also a member of the Alpha Omega Alpha and Phi Kappa Phi National Honor Societies and a Clinical Instructor in hand and upper extremity at the University of Texas-Houston, School of Medicine. He received his fellowship training in hand and upper extremity surgery at the University of Florida after completing his post-graduate training in orthopaedic surgery at the University of New Mexico.
His practice remains committed to education and the advancement of hand surgery by teaching young doctors and health care professionals at the University of Texas-Houston, School of Medicine, and through on-going research and peer reviewed publications.
Smith DW: Glomus Tumor of the Upper Extremity: an Under Recognized Cause of Pain. University of New Mexico Orthopaedics Research Journal. Volume 2: 52-54, 2013
Smith DW: Boutonniere and Pulley Rupture in Elite Basketball. Elite Athlete’s Hand and Wrist Injury. Hand Clinics. WB Saunders. Philadelphia, PA. 28(3): 449-450, 2012
Smith DW: ECU Tendonitis and Subluxation in Elite Basketball. Elite Athlete’s Hand and Wrist Injury. Hand Clinics. WB Saunders. Philadelphia, PA. 28(3): 359-360, 2012
Smith DW: Breaking the Surface: Ganglion Cysts Don’t Have to Hinder Hand Function or Appearance. Advance for Directors in Rehabilitation, 15(11): 21-22, 2006
Smith DW, Henry MH: Volar Fixed Angle Plating of the Distal Radius. Journal of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, 13(1): 28-36, 2005
Wright TW, Horodyski M, Smith DW: Functional Outcome of Unstable Distal Radius Fractures: ORIF with a Volar Fixed-Angle Tine Plate vs External Fixation. Journal of Hand Surgery, 30(2): 289-299, 2005
Henry MH., Levaro F, Smith DW. Free Adipofascial Flap Interposition for Posttraumatic Forearm Synostosis with Closed Head Injury. Annals of Plastic Surgery, 53(5):506-509, 2004
Smith DW, Brou KE, Henry MH: Early Active Rehabilitation for Operatively Stabilized Distal Radius Fractures. Journal of Hand Therapy. 17:43-49, 2004
Henry MH, Smith DW, Masson MV: Reconstruction of Distal Radio-Ulnar Joint Instability. Journal of the American Society for Surgery of the Hand. 4(1): 35-41, 2004
Smith DW, Henry MH: The 45-degree Pronated Oblique View for Volar Fixed Angle Plating of Distal Radius Fractures. Journal of Hand Surgery. 29(4):703-706, 2004
Clifton J, Smith DW, Henry MH: Symptomatic Progression of Congenital Ulnar Nerve Hypoplasia with Brachial Plexus Anomaly: Journal of Reconstructive Microsurgery, 20(6): 447-450, 2004
Ilfeld BM, Smith DW, Enneking FK. Continuous Regional Analgesia Following Ambulatory Pediatric Orthopaedic Surgery. American Journal of Orthopedics. 33(8): 405-408, 2004
Smith DW, Drennan JR: Arthrogryposis Wrist Deformities: Results of Infantile Serial Casting. Journal of Pediatric Orthopaedics. 22(1): 44-47, 2003
Smith DW, Henry MH: Comprehensive Management of Associated Soft Tissue Injuries in Distal Radius Fractures. Journal of the American Society for Surgery of the Hand. 2: 153-164, 2002
Smith DW, Henry MH, Beaver R: Internal Decompression of Dorsal Wrist Ganglions. Tech in Hand and Upper Extr Surg. 6(3): 145-151, 2002
Dell PC, Smith DW: Combined Carpal Tunnel and Ulnar Nerve Release. Atlas of the Hand Clinics. WB Saunders. Philadelphia, PA. 7:273-276, 2002
Hendricks A, Smith DW, Wright TW: Common Instability Patterns of the Wrist. Orthopaedic Physical Therapy Clinics of N. America. WB Saunders. Philadelphia, PA. 10(4): 541-556, 2001
Miller SJ, Smith DW, Gaines RW: Intra-articular Osteoid Osteoma of the Acetabulum in a Six Year Old. Orthopaedics. 20(7): 654-655, 1997
Childers MK, Smith DW, Rupright J: Post-traumatic Hyperthermia in Acute Brain Injury Rehabilitation. Brain Injury. 8(4): 335-343, 1994
Smith DW: Pulley Rupture. Comprehensive Care of the High Level Athlete Course. American Society for Surgery of the Hand. Chicago, IL. May 2013
Smith DW: Elite Athlete’s Hand and Wrist Injury Instructional Course. Panel member: Boutonniere and Pulley Ruptures. American Society for Surgery of the Hand. 67th Annual ASSH meeting, Chicago, IL, September 2012
Smith DW: Elite Athlete’s Hand and Wrist Injury Instructional Course. Panel member: ECU Tendonitis and Subluxation. American Society for Surgery of the Hand. 67th Annual ASSH meeting, Chicago, IL, September 2012
Smith DW: Unusual Infections of the Upper Extremity. University of New Mexico Annual Orthopaedic Alumni Conference, Albuquerque, NM, June 2008
Smith DW: The Anatomic Radial Head. The Acumed Bones and Baseball Meeting. Minute Maid Park. Houston, TX, July 2007
Smith DW: Update: Volar Fixed Angle Plating for the Distal Radius. University of New Mexico Annual Orthopaedic Alumni Conference. Albuquerque, NM, June 2006
Smith DW: The 45-degree Pronated Oblique View for Volar Fixed Angle Plating of Distal Radius Fractures – 42nd Annual Meeting of the Argentinian Orthopaedic and Traumatology Association-American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgery, Combined Meeting. Buenos Aires, Argentina, December 2005
Smith DW, Henry MH: Volar Platform Plating of the Distal Radius. American Society for Surgery of the Hand – British Society for Surgery of the Hand, Combined Meeting. Cambridge, England, April 2003
Smith DW, Ilfeld B, Enneking FK: Continuous Regional Analgesia in Ambulatory Pediatric Upper Extremity Surgery. Poster presentation. Presented at the 57th Annual ASSH meeting, Phoenix, AZ, October 2002
Smith DW: Volar Platform Plating of the Distal Radius. University of New Mexico Annual Orthopaedic Alumni Conference. Albuquerque, NM, June 2002
Smith DW, Wright TW: Outcome Study of Unstable Distal Radius Fractures: ORIF with Volar Fixed Angle Tine Plate vs External Fixation. Presented at the 56th Annual ASSH meeting. Baltimore, MD, October 2001
Smith DW, Wright TW: Treatment of Unstable Distal Radius Fractures with a Volar Fixed Angle Device. Florida Hand Society. Orlando, FL, June 2001
Smith DW, Drennan, JR: Arthrogryposis Infantile Wrist Deformities: Results of Serial Casting. Adrian Flatt Residents/Fellows Conference. American Society for Surgery of the Hand. Seattle, WA, October 2000
Smith DW, Drennan, JR: Serial Casting for Arthrogryposis Infantile Wrist Deformities. CTH Winter Pediatric Orthopaedic Seminar. Albuquerque, NM, January 2000
Smith DW: Acetabular Fractures and Pelvic Ring Disruptions. Trauma: Scene to Salvage. Farmington, NM, March 2000
Smith DW, Moneim M: Technique for Late Repair in Chronic Distal Biceps Tendon Ruptures Using Fascia Lata Autograft Through a Single Anterior Incision. Poster presentation. Presented at the 55th Annual ASSH meeting. Seattle, WA, October 2000
Smith DW, Moneim M: Chronic Distal Biceps Tendon Ruptures: Technique of Delayed Repair with Fascia Lata Autograft. Video Presentation. American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgery. Orlando, FL, March 2000

Houston Hand Surgeon
Dr. Smith has been a proud Houstonian and orthopaedic specialist in the Texas Medical Center since completing his fellowship in hand surgery and upper extremity surgery in 2001.He graduated Summa Cum Laude at the University of Missouri-School of Medicine after receiving a B.A. in Education and Exercise Science from the University of Kentucky. He is also a member of the Alpha Omega Alpha and Phi Kappa Phi National Honor Societies and a Clinical Instructor in hand and upper extremity at the University of Texas-Houston, School of Medicine. He received his fellowship training in hand and upper extremity surgery at the University of Florida after completing his post-graduate training in orthopaedic surgery at the University of New Mexico.
His practice remains committed to education and the advancement of hand surgery by teaching young doctors and health care professionals at the University of Texas-Houston, School of Medicine, and through on-going research and peer reviewed publications.
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Education and Training
1991 | B.A. – Exercise Science, University of Kentucky |
1995 | MD – Summa Cum Laude, University of Missouri-Columbia |
2000 | Orthopaedic Surgery, University of New Mexico |
2001 | Hand and Upper Extremity Surgery Fellowship, University of Florida |
Appointments and Credentials
2005 | Certificate of Added Qualifications for Surgery of the Hand Re-certified in 2013 |
2003 | Board Certified by the American Board of Orthopaedic Surgery Re-certified in 2013 |
2001 | Clinical Instructor, University of Texas-Houston School of Medicine |
2001 | Member of the American Society for Surgery of the Hand |
1991 | Certified Athletic Trainer, A.T.C. |
Activities and Honors
2013 | Houston Top Doctor
Houstonia Magazine |
2011 |
Outstanding Young Physician Award
University of Missouri – Columbia, School of Medicine 54th Annual Medical Alumni Awards |
2010 - 2013 | Patients Choice Award for Texas
2010 - 2013 Recipient |
2005 - 2009 | Houston Top Doctor
H Magazine Houston, TX |
2008 - 2015 | President and founder
Sandia Orthopaedic Alumni Society Univ of New Mexico School of Medicine Alumni Assoc |
2007 - 2010 | Chairman
Partnership Advisory Board Memorial Hermann Ambulatory Surgery Center Texas Medical Center |
2006 | American Society for Surgery of the Hand
Selected to the Young Members Leadership Program |
2006 - present | Chief of Hand Surgery
Park Plaza Hospital Texas Medical Center |
1994 – present | Alpha Omega Alpha
Honor Medical Society |
Smith DW: Distal Radius Fractures. In: Comprehensive Care of the High Level Athlete: A Master Skills Publication. American Society for Surgery of the Hand. 2014Smith DW: Glomus Tumor of the Upper Extremity: an Under Recognized Cause of Pain. University of New Mexico Orthopaedics Research Journal. Volume 2: 52-54, 2013
Smith DW: Boutonniere and Pulley Rupture in Elite Basketball. Elite Athlete’s Hand and Wrist Injury. Hand Clinics. WB Saunders. Philadelphia, PA. 28(3): 449-450, 2012
Smith DW: ECU Tendonitis and Subluxation in Elite Basketball. Elite Athlete’s Hand and Wrist Injury. Hand Clinics. WB Saunders. Philadelphia, PA. 28(3): 359-360, 2012
Smith DW: Breaking the Surface: Ganglion Cysts Don’t Have to Hinder Hand Function or Appearance. Advance for Directors in Rehabilitation, 15(11): 21-22, 2006
Smith DW, Henry MH: Volar Fixed Angle Plating of the Distal Radius. Journal of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, 13(1): 28-36, 2005
Wright TW, Horodyski M, Smith DW: Functional Outcome of Unstable Distal Radius Fractures: ORIF with a Volar Fixed-Angle Tine Plate vs External Fixation. Journal of Hand Surgery, 30(2): 289-299, 2005
Henry MH., Levaro F, Smith DW. Free Adipofascial Flap Interposition for Posttraumatic Forearm Synostosis with Closed Head Injury. Annals of Plastic Surgery, 53(5):506-509, 2004
Smith DW, Brou KE, Henry MH: Early Active Rehabilitation for Operatively Stabilized Distal Radius Fractures. Journal of Hand Therapy. 17:43-49, 2004
Henry MH, Smith DW, Masson MV: Reconstruction of Distal Radio-Ulnar Joint Instability. Journal of the American Society for Surgery of the Hand. 4(1): 35-41, 2004
Smith DW, Henry MH: The 45-degree Pronated Oblique View for Volar Fixed Angle Plating of Distal Radius Fractures. Journal of Hand Surgery. 29(4):703-706, 2004
Clifton J, Smith DW, Henry MH: Symptomatic Progression of Congenital Ulnar Nerve Hypoplasia with Brachial Plexus Anomaly: Journal of Reconstructive Microsurgery, 20(6): 447-450, 2004
Ilfeld BM, Smith DW, Enneking FK. Continuous Regional Analgesia Following Ambulatory Pediatric Orthopaedic Surgery. American Journal of Orthopedics. 33(8): 405-408, 2004
Smith DW, Drennan JR: Arthrogryposis Wrist Deformities: Results of Infantile Serial Casting. Journal of Pediatric Orthopaedics. 22(1): 44-47, 2003
Smith DW, Henry MH: Comprehensive Management of Associated Soft Tissue Injuries in Distal Radius Fractures. Journal of the American Society for Surgery of the Hand. 2: 153-164, 2002
Smith DW, Henry MH, Beaver R: Internal Decompression of Dorsal Wrist Ganglions. Tech in Hand and Upper Extr Surg. 6(3): 145-151, 2002
Dell PC, Smith DW: Combined Carpal Tunnel and Ulnar Nerve Release. Atlas of the Hand Clinics. WB Saunders. Philadelphia, PA. 7:273-276, 2002
Hendricks A, Smith DW, Wright TW: Common Instability Patterns of the Wrist. Orthopaedic Physical Therapy Clinics of N. America. WB Saunders. Philadelphia, PA. 10(4): 541-556, 2001
Miller SJ, Smith DW, Gaines RW: Intra-articular Osteoid Osteoma of the Acetabulum in a Six Year Old. Orthopaedics. 20(7): 654-655, 1997
Childers MK, Smith DW, Rupright J: Post-traumatic Hyperthermia in Acute Brain Injury Rehabilitation. Brain Injury. 8(4): 335-343, 1994
Regional, National, and International Presentations
Smith DW: Comprehensive Care of the High Level Athlete Course. Panel member: Boutonniere and Pulley Ruptures. American Society for Surgery of the Hand. Chicago, IL. May 2013Smith DW: Pulley Rupture. Comprehensive Care of the High Level Athlete Course. American Society for Surgery of the Hand. Chicago, IL. May 2013
Smith DW: Elite Athlete’s Hand and Wrist Injury Instructional Course. Panel member: Boutonniere and Pulley Ruptures. American Society for Surgery of the Hand. 67th Annual ASSH meeting, Chicago, IL, September 2012
Smith DW: Elite Athlete’s Hand and Wrist Injury Instructional Course. Panel member: ECU Tendonitis and Subluxation. American Society for Surgery of the Hand. 67th Annual ASSH meeting, Chicago, IL, September 2012
Smith DW: Unusual Infections of the Upper Extremity. University of New Mexico Annual Orthopaedic Alumni Conference, Albuquerque, NM, June 2008
Smith DW: The Anatomic Radial Head. The Acumed Bones and Baseball Meeting. Minute Maid Park. Houston, TX, July 2007
Smith DW: Update: Volar Fixed Angle Plating for the Distal Radius. University of New Mexico Annual Orthopaedic Alumni Conference. Albuquerque, NM, June 2006
Smith DW: The 45-degree Pronated Oblique View for Volar Fixed Angle Plating of Distal Radius Fractures – 42nd Annual Meeting of the Argentinian Orthopaedic and Traumatology Association-American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgery, Combined Meeting. Buenos Aires, Argentina, December 2005
Smith DW, Henry MH: Volar Platform Plating of the Distal Radius. American Society for Surgery of the Hand – British Society for Surgery of the Hand, Combined Meeting. Cambridge, England, April 2003
Smith DW, Ilfeld B, Enneking FK: Continuous Regional Analgesia in Ambulatory Pediatric Upper Extremity Surgery. Poster presentation. Presented at the 57th Annual ASSH meeting, Phoenix, AZ, October 2002
Smith DW: Volar Platform Plating of the Distal Radius. University of New Mexico Annual Orthopaedic Alumni Conference. Albuquerque, NM, June 2002
Smith DW, Wright TW: Outcome Study of Unstable Distal Radius Fractures: ORIF with Volar Fixed Angle Tine Plate vs External Fixation. Presented at the 56th Annual ASSH meeting. Baltimore, MD, October 2001
Smith DW, Wright TW: Treatment of Unstable Distal Radius Fractures with a Volar Fixed Angle Device. Florida Hand Society. Orlando, FL, June 2001
Smith DW, Drennan, JR: Arthrogryposis Infantile Wrist Deformities: Results of Serial Casting. Adrian Flatt Residents/Fellows Conference. American Society for Surgery of the Hand. Seattle, WA, October 2000
Smith DW, Drennan, JR: Serial Casting for Arthrogryposis Infantile Wrist Deformities. CTH Winter Pediatric Orthopaedic Seminar. Albuquerque, NM, January 2000
Smith DW: Acetabular Fractures and Pelvic Ring Disruptions. Trauma: Scene to Salvage. Farmington, NM, March 2000
Smith DW, Moneim M: Technique for Late Repair in Chronic Distal Biceps Tendon Ruptures Using Fascia Lata Autograft Through a Single Anterior Incision. Poster presentation. Presented at the 55th Annual ASSH meeting. Seattle, WA, October 2000
Smith DW, Moneim M: Chronic Distal Biceps Tendon Ruptures: Technique of Delayed Repair with Fascia Lata Autograft. Video Presentation. American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgery. Orlando, FL, March 2000